Thursday 2 October 2014

I just missed a post for Sept.....Here's Some advent calendars to make up for my FAIL

First up a fabric advent calendar with cute little pockets! 

I've made this for display at work there's a few different designs but I do love the tree! 

I think it only took about 2 hours to make and most of that was making up the pockets.....

I added iron on interfacing to the back of all the pockets before cutting them out and folding the sides over and ironing this is the part that took longest ironing down each side ....

I then stitched along the top of each pocket to seal the flap down seams as I couldn't do this later without sealing the pocket... 

The pockets along the bottom are all in one piece with box folds in-between I then stitched around the edge of each pocket. 

I used a metallic gold thread so that the stitching would stand out ( a customer has already commented on how much she liked the stitching) 

Sewing on the other pockets  

 I used the backing fabric to fold over to the front to seal the edges and I zig-zag stitched over the corner folds 

I then added an extra strip of fabric to the  back to insert the dowelling in so it can be hung and help maintain its shape when hanging. 

TADAH fabricadvent calander!

Next!Reindeer wooden advent calendar 

 Again made for display, unfortunately i completely forgot to take any in the making photos .....

But to start with I spray painted the body brown and then half the draws green and half the draws red...

I then used 3 different decopatch papers on the fronts of the draws

And the glued on little worded numbers in the colour opposite to that of the draws/handles

I'm hoping that I get at least on of these back to keep but manager mentioned selling them for charity so who knows?

Friday 8 August 2014

Baprons (baby-aprons) for the mini mango!

So a little while ago I found out that one of my college friends was having a little girl! 

Which gave me a perfect excuse to make so baprons, I saw the patter for these ages ago on pinterest and thought they were genius, but had no reason to make them =)

well worth it I think - I managed to throw together the last one in half an hour =) 

Here's the front and back view of one of them  - hopefully I can get a photo of one of them on once she has arrived =)

Also I would just like to say how much i love this print below - ITS SO CUTE!!!!!!!

So there we have it 3 little baprons for mango's little mango!!!!

My cousin has just had a little boy so ill probably be making some more of these shortly once I get hold of some slightly more boy related fabrics =) 

Saturday 12 July 2014

Skirt no. 2

So I thought it was about time I attempted another skirt, I liked my first one but it wasn't really wearable, so this time I picked a less busy fabric (with cute little mushrooms) and a slightly more difficult pattern, including adding a yolk, pockets and a zip! 

I used simplicity pattern 2226 - and I made view C but with the tie from view B as I didn't want to spend load on fabric to make the tie.

Here's a view of the pockets and the zip (first zip I've done in a while -but it worked out fine)

Annoyingly the mushrooms inside the pocket are upside-down..... I did cut out the whole front panel upside-down to begin with but managed to realise and save it before I started sewing....

Slightly more wearable then the last... the shape isn't quite perfect though...

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Four of the things I've missed

So once again I've got seriously behind on uploading pictures of what I've made, these probably aren't in the correct order but oh well

1. A new purse/wallet 

 With lots of handy card slots (I have way to many loyalty cards) a little coin pouch to, and a big one at the back for notes 

It was fairly simple to make i got the pattern here, The instructions it comes with are really clear and easy to follow : 

I used a mixture of fabrics from fat quarter bundles but the dragonfly fabric I got at:  but I cant seam to find that exact one at the moment - I think its sold out. 

2. Dress cover/protector 
All my dress Etc. are covered up by those big charity bags you get through the post, so  I've made a much nicer looking cover for one of them (so far), hopefully I'll eventually get round to making some for the rest of them as well. all ive done is fold the fabric over into the middle and attach a zip, sewing up the top (with a gap for the hanger) and bottom. 


3. Top number 1 : Simplicity patter 3750 :

I have made option D of the pattern


I got all that fabric at work this time, I really like this top but the little cap sleeve's are a bit stiff so tend to stick up when worn - should probably use a much lighter fabric next time, I'm sure ill find an occasion to wear it at some point =) 

4: Top number 2: New Look pattern 6034 :
Ive made option A - mainly as i have a think for pockets O_o

I'm really please with this one just have to wait for a nice sunny day to wear it. I know some people HATE working with stretch fabrics but this was my first time working with jersey and I didn't have any problems with it.

 I got the fabric from: But once again i cant seam to find the fabric that I ordered, My only problem with this site is you can only order by the full meter so i have quite a bit left over ... Which will be added to my stash and used one day......

I think that's everything.... For now anyway Expect a skirt update soon though....

Sunday 20 April 2014

I didn't slack off in march honestly!

So due to most of the things I made in march being presents for Gareth's birthday, I had to hold out on uploading photos off them for a little while. So I have not failed already in being more crafty this year, just been doing it in secret =).

1. First up, camera case =).

He wanted one so that he could put his camera in his bag rather then carrying a camera bag around. So this camera print fabric from fabric rehab (  was perfect =)  they were much bigger then I was expecting though.

Here's just a couple of pictures of the process I pretty much just drew around it on all sides and added a seam allowance. 

Then added a couple of layers of felt to the inside piece to give it some padding. 

And then did the same for the outside and added it to it con-sealing the felt in between the layers. 

Then adding a piece to go over the back and using Velcro so it can be easily opened and closed. 

2. This wasn't really a birthday present, more it annoys me when extra bags are used when they aren't needed.... I think this comes form working in a shop and people requesting separate bags when there goods will clearly fit in one bag.


What could it be?

Why its a tote bag that folds away into itself =) with a little zip pocket on the outside keep an emergency £5 in maybe?

And it was surprisingly easy to make =).

I found this on Pinterest a little while ago and new id make one some day, ill probably make more soon....

Here's where you can find the very good and easy to follow instructions from Sew mama Sew

It came out smaller then I was hoping for, ill have to adjust the pattern next time to make larger ones.

That's all for now, still have more to catch up on though =). 

Thursday 27 February 2014

Hopefully the first of many

So in my re-found love for sewing I decided to to make myself a skirt... one of the (hopefully) easier pieces of clothing to attempts first =) 

  I chose this 2286 Learn-to-sew pattern by simplicity as even though I have made a dress before it was 6+ years ago when I was doing a fashion and textiles course at college. Where we had guidance through out the whole process and I haven't made anygthing since. I also liked that it had pockets =)

Also instead of doing A or B I combined them so that my skirt had pockets and the ribbon trim around the bottom, mainly as my fabric was quite patterned so I figured it would break up the pattern more =) -reducing the girly-flowery-ness of it (a bit).

 Closer picture of the pockets and little bow on the bottom.

Over all this was fairly simple to make, although the measurements told me to make a size 12, and it turned out far too big as I thought it would do, either I did smaller seam allowances then I should have or the fact I had to tighten the elastic allot was meant to happen. 

Might try one of the double layered ones next time .... or one of the other 3 patterns I have to try. 

Thursday 6 February 2014

Button tree cushion

So finished all my work for my deadline today last night, and figured I would complete one of those many planned but never happened projects - Button tree!!!! (cushion).

I've had the idea for this for a very long time now - the initial inspiration for this came from this button tree card - 

which there is a picture of above our button fixture at work. 

I had also decided a while ago i wanted to do something with the spotty fabric as I love the colour so much =D 

So wala button tree cushion idea was born =) I also decided to sew on a my buttons for extra security - and here it is:

I looked around for basic tree outlines and then altered one I liked the shape of so that the branches weren't so wispy. 

For the cushion cover I used this video as a guide

Although I gave my self a much larger seam allowance and also a larger over lap at the back.  I've used this before and found that the cushion has open apart at the back with the smaller over lap showing the filling. Might even add more buttons to the back to prevent this....

Instructable for this can be found here :

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Knitted hand warmers complete at last =)

So I found this instructable a while before x-mas and planned to make some for friends =) ...... it didn't happen instead I finally competed a pair by February and now I'm keeping them.

 I used what I think are 2.25mm double ended needless... (guessing from the previous projects I've used them four as I have no idea) And Regia 4 ply mosaik sock yarn in Istanbul colour. I had this wool in my stash, and had no idea how it would turn out when knitted but i actually really like the finished mish-mash of colour pattern =) hence why I'm keeping them. I still have another ball of this left and probably about a 3rd of the one i used... so could get about 3 pairs out of two balls if you felt like it ....

Planning to wear them over my touch screen gloves for extra toasty-ness =) bring on the snow!!!!!

Saturday 18 January 2014

Nintendo Ds Game Case

A whole day off and nothing to do. Time to complete one of those sewing projects that's on the to do list!

So today's creation is an easy to transport Ds game holder, that folds away nicely to a little bigger then my hand (and my hands are pretty tiny). 

It's sort of quilted but not really, it has a layer of felt in the middle just to make it a bit sturdier, and I did make my own binding tape to go around the edges, not that my sewing it on came out the neatest.  

 It can easily hold 16 games - even though I currently only have 3 ..... And I've spaced my pockets out quite a bit. The plastic pockets are made from an old clear pencil case. The idea from this came from this post on Instructables -


I just tweaked it a little making it smaller and adding a button and ribbon to it so that I can fold it away. 

Now to buy more games to fill it with =)