Tuesday 4 February 2014

Knitted hand warmers complete at last =)

So I found this instructable a while before x-mas and planned to make some for friends =) ...... it didn't happen instead I finally competed a pair by February and now I'm keeping them. 


 I used what I think are 2.25mm double ended needless... (guessing from the previous projects I've used them four as I have no idea) And Regia 4 ply mosaik sock yarn in Istanbul colour. I had this wool in my stash, and had no idea how it would turn out when knitted but i actually really like the finished mish-mash of colour pattern =) hence why I'm keeping them. I still have another ball of this left and probably about a 3rd of the one i used... so could get about 3 pairs out of two balls if you felt like it ....

Planning to wear them over my touch screen gloves for extra toasty-ness =) bring on the snow!!!!!

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