Thursday 6 February 2014

Button tree cushion

So finished all my work for my deadline today last night, and figured I would complete one of those many planned but never happened projects - Button tree!!!! (cushion).

I've had the idea for this for a very long time now - the initial inspiration for this came from this button tree card - 

which there is a picture of above our button fixture at work. 

I had also decided a while ago i wanted to do something with the spotty fabric as I love the colour so much =D 

So wala button tree cushion idea was born =) I also decided to sew on a my buttons for extra security - and here it is:

I looked around for basic tree outlines and then altered one I liked the shape of so that the branches weren't so wispy. 

For the cushion cover I used this video as a guide

Although I gave my self a much larger seam allowance and also a larger over lap at the back.  I've used this before and found that the cushion has open apart at the back with the smaller over lap showing the filling. Might even add more buttons to the back to prevent this....

Instructable for this can be found here :

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