Friday 8 August 2014

Baprons (baby-aprons) for the mini mango!

So a little while ago I found out that one of my college friends was having a little girl! 

Which gave me a perfect excuse to make so baprons, I saw the patter for these ages ago on pinterest and thought they were genius, but had no reason to make them =)

well worth it I think - I managed to throw together the last one in half an hour =) 

Here's the front and back view of one of them  - hopefully I can get a photo of one of them on once she has arrived =)

Also I would just like to say how much i love this print below - ITS SO CUTE!!!!!!!

So there we have it 3 little baprons for mango's little mango!!!!

My cousin has just had a little boy so ill probably be making some more of these shortly once I get hold of some slightly more boy related fabrics =) 

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