Wednesday 15 January 2014

Pinwheel pincushion

So I got to finish work an hour and half early this evening. So what to do with my evening? I've wanted a new pin cushion for ages as the one I had is very old and faded and believe it or not full of holes.... So I figured I would treat myself and make a new one =)

It was very simple to do I used the 2 1/2" half square big shot die for the top pin wheel pattern and a 4" square big shot die for the bottom. 

my pin wheel didn't line up perfectly but it's my first one so after two attempts i accepted what I had. 

also my corners aren't turned out perfectly =(. I forgot to cut the excess of the seams and couldn't be bothered to turn it inside out again as the hole I left to do so was tiny...... Lesson learnt for next time.

After throwing out all the slightly gluey pins from years of unblocking glue bottles I still have a LOT of pins left ....poor cushion starting to look like a hedgehog.....

Oh and I managed to consume a whole packet of jaffa cakes whilst doing this, so its a good thing my resolution is to be more crafty and not cut out the chocolaty goodness.....

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