Saturday 18 January 2014

Nintendo Ds Game Case

A whole day off and nothing to do. Time to complete one of those sewing projects that's on the to do list!

So today's creation is an easy to transport Ds game holder, that folds away nicely to a little bigger then my hand (and my hands are pretty tiny). 

It's sort of quilted but not really, it has a layer of felt in the middle just to make it a bit sturdier, and I did make my own binding tape to go around the edges, not that my sewing it on came out the neatest.  

 It can easily hold 16 games - even though I currently only have 3 ..... And I've spaced my pockets out quite a bit. The plastic pockets are made from an old clear pencil case. The idea from this came from this post on Instructables -


I just tweaked it a little making it smaller and adding a button and ribbon to it so that I can fold it away. 

Now to buy more games to fill it with =)

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Pinwheel pincushion

So I got to finish work an hour and half early this evening. So what to do with my evening? I've wanted a new pin cushion for ages as the one I had is very old and faded and believe it or not full of holes.... So I figured I would treat myself and make a new one =)

It was very simple to do I used the 2 1/2" half square big shot die for the top pin wheel pattern and a 4" square big shot die for the bottom. 

my pin wheel didn't line up perfectly but it's my first one so after two attempts i accepted what I had. 

also my corners aren't turned out perfectly =(. I forgot to cut the excess of the seams and couldn't be bothered to turn it inside out again as the hole I left to do so was tiny...... Lesson learnt for next time.

After throwing out all the slightly gluey pins from years of unblocking glue bottles I still have a LOT of pins left ....poor cushion starting to look like a hedgehog.....

Oh and I managed to consume a whole packet of jaffa cakes whilst doing this, so its a good thing my resolution is to be more crafty and not cut out the chocolaty goodness.....

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Additions to squirtle

So after creating the case I needed a way to take extra hands with me to.

And so I've hand sewn two little pockets onto the back of his head.

My only regret is I didn't think of this sooner and integrated the pockets into his shell...  But never mind. 

But it works well :) - thank you gareth for the suggestion

Monday 13 January 2014

Squirtle Ds case

So with my new years resolution being to do more crafty things this is the first of many hopefully. Although it was actually made last year .....but only just on the 29th Dec. 

Being as clumsy as i am after my lovely boyfriend brought me a DS xl for x-mas i need a case fast before destroying it - what better then a squirtle one!

Materials cost me a grand total of £2.00 for the felt and I easily have enough left over to make it again. Cottons and buttons taken from my stash =). So considering I found some on eBay made from polar fleece going for around £20 ......

He only took me around two hours with the help of my trusty sewing machine who probably hasn't seen the light for around a year wasn't too bad considering i made it up as I went along.