Sunday 20 April 2014

I didn't slack off in march honestly!

So due to most of the things I made in march being presents for Gareth's birthday, I had to hold out on uploading photos off them for a little while. So I have not failed already in being more crafty this year, just been doing it in secret =).

1. First up, camera case =).

He wanted one so that he could put his camera in his bag rather then carrying a camera bag around. So this camera print fabric from fabric rehab (  was perfect =)  they were much bigger then I was expecting though.

Here's just a couple of pictures of the process I pretty much just drew around it on all sides and added a seam allowance. 

Then added a couple of layers of felt to the inside piece to give it some padding. 

And then did the same for the outside and added it to it con-sealing the felt in between the layers. 

Then adding a piece to go over the back and using Velcro so it can be easily opened and closed. 

2. This wasn't really a birthday present, more it annoys me when extra bags are used when they aren't needed.... I think this comes form working in a shop and people requesting separate bags when there goods will clearly fit in one bag.


What could it be?

Why its a tote bag that folds away into itself =) with a little zip pocket on the outside keep an emergency £5 in maybe?

And it was surprisingly easy to make =).

I found this on Pinterest a little while ago and new id make one some day, ill probably make more soon....

Here's where you can find the very good and easy to follow instructions from Sew mama Sew

It came out smaller then I was hoping for, ill have to adjust the pattern next time to make larger ones.

That's all for now, still have more to catch up on though =).